
Paris, France – Atelier d’Artista, 2012 – “Shadows of Anonymity”

London, United Kingdom – Museum of Contemporary Art, 2013 – “Silent Creations”

Berlin, Germany – Gallery of Modern Art, 2013 – “Invisible Labyrinths”

Madrid, Spain – Cultural Center, 2014 – “Anonymous Reflections”

Amsterdam, Netherlands – Museum of Modern Art, 2015 – “Masks of Expression”

Barcelona, Spain – Cultural Center, 2015 – “Art Without Boundaries”

New York, United States – Gallery of Contemporary Art, 2016 – “Global Collective”

Tokyo, Japan – Museum of Contemporary Art, 2016 – “The Essence of Shadow”

Mexico City, Mexico – Cultural Center, 2017 – “Creative Whispers”

Toronto, Canada – Gallery of Modern Art, 2017 – “Anonymous Harmonies”

Sydney, Australia – Museum of Contemporary Art, 2018 – “Aurora of Anonymity”

San Francisco, United States – Gallery of Contemporary Art, 2018 – “Dawn of Creativity”

Dublin, Ireland – Cultural Center, 2019 – “Echo of Freedom”

Copenhagen, Denmark – Gallery of Modern Art, 2019 – “Unexpected Encounters”

Singapore – Cultural Center, 2020 – “Anonymous Resonances”

Rio de Janeiro, Brazil – Museum of Contemporary Art, 2020 – “Beyond the Gaze”

Shanghai, China – Gallery of Contemporary Art, 2021 – “Secret Weavings”

Istanbul, Turkey – Cultural Center, 2021 – “Roots of Invisibility”

Buenos Aires, Argentina – Museum of Modern Art, 2021 – “Threads of Anonymity”

Los Angeles, United States – Cultural Center, 2022 – “Refractions of the Soul”

Zurich, Switzerland – Gallery of Contemporary Art, 2022 – “Intertwined Mysteries”

Lisbon, Portugal – Museum of Contemporary Art, 2022 – “The Horizon of Anonymity”


Paris, France – Atelier d’Artista, 2023 – “The Silence of Anonymity”

Castel Ivano, Italy – Spazio civico Albano Tomaselli, 2023 – “Artificene”

Tokyo, Japan – Museum of Contemporary Art, 2025 – “The Soul of Anonymity”


Parigi, Francia – Atelier d’Artista, 2012 – “Ombre dell’Anonimato”

Londra, Regno Unito – Museo d’Arte Contemporanea, 2013 – “Silenziose Creazioni”

Berlino, Germania – Galleria d’Arte Moderna, 2013 – “Labirinti Invisibili”

Madrid, Spagna – Centro Culturale, 2014 – “Riflessi Anonimi”

Amsterdam, Paesi Bassi – Museo d’Arte Moderna, 2015 – “Maschere dell’Espressione”

Barcellona, Spagna – Centro Culturale, 2015 – “Arte Senza Confini”

New York, Stati Uniti – Galleria d’Arte Contemporanea, 2016 – “Collettivo Globale”

Tokyo, Giappone – Museo d’Arte Contemporanea, 2016 – “L’Essenza dell’Ombra”

Città del Messico, Messico – Centro Culturale, 2017 – “Sussurri Creativi”

Toronto, Canada – Galleria d’Arte Moderna, 2017 – “Armonie Anonime”

Sydney, Australia – Museo d’Arte Contemporanea, 2018 – “Aurora dell’Anonimato”

San Francisco, Stati Uniti – Galleria d’Arte Contemporanea, 2018 – “L’Alba della Creatività”

Dublino, Irlanda – Centro Culturale, 2019 – “Eco di Libertà”

Copenaghen, Danimarca – Galleria d’Arte Moderna, 2019 – “Incontri Inaspettati”

Singapore – Centro Culturale, 2020 – “Risonanze Anonime”

Rio de Janeiro, Brasile – Museo d’Arte Contemporanea, 2020 – “Oltre lo Sguardo”

Shanghai, Cina – Galleria d’Arte Contemporanea, 2021 – “Trame Segrete”

Istanbul, Turchia – Centro Culturale, 2021 – “Radici dell’Invisibile”

Buenos Aires, Argentina – Museo d’Arte Moderna, 2021 – “Tessere di Anonimato”

Los Angeles, Stati Uniti – Centro Culturale, 2022 – “Rifrazioni dell’Anima”

Zurigo, Svizzera – Galleria d’Arte Contemporanea, 2022 – “Intrecci di Mistero”

Lisbona, Portogallo – Museo d’Arte Contemporanea, 2022 – “L’Orizzonte dell’Anonimato”


Parigi, Francia – Atelier d’Artista, 2023 – “Il Silenzio dell’Anonimato”

Castel Ivano, Italy- Spazio civico Albano Tomaselli, 2023 – “Artificene”

Tokyo, Giappone – Museo d’Arte Contemporanea, 2025 – “L’Anima dell’Anonimato”

Life, don't talk to me about life (MARVIN)



Minimalist | Retro Sci-Fi | Collage | Surrealism



Fine art portraiture | Zbrush | Historical reproductions | Black and white portraits | Uniformly staged images | Dynamic action sequences



Extremely detailed | Sharp focus | Smooth | De-noise | Digital illustration | High contrast | Clean lines



Stylized comic | Minimalistic black and white | German Expressionism | High contrast



High detailed | Selfie | GoPro view | Natural light



Linocut | vibrant colors