PROMPT #001: 10
Artist 1
“…Then Moses came down the mountain with the two stones of the law in his hand; the stones had writing on their two sides, on the front and on the back.
The stones were the work of God, and the writing was the writing of God, cut on the stones.
Now when the noise and the voices of the people came to the ears of Joshua, he said to Moses, There is a noise of war in the tents…”
Exodus, 32:15-17
Artista 1
“…Mosè si voltò e scese dal monte con in mano le due tavole della Testimonianza, tavole scritte sui due lati, da una parte e dall’altra.
Le tavole erano opera di Dio, la scrittura era scrittura di Dio, scolpita sulle tavole.
Giosuè sentì il rumore del popolo che urlava e disse a Mosè: «C’è rumore di battaglia nell’accampamento»…”
Esodo, 32:15-17
Life, don't talk to me about life (MARVIN)

Fine art portraiture | Zbrush | Historical reproductions | Black and white portraits | Uniformly staged images | Dynamic action sequences

Extremely detailed | Sharp focus | Smooth | De-noise | Digital illustration | High contrast | Clean lines